- The struggle of healthcare professionals while collecting timely payments on outstanding bills are understandable.
- Whether it's an outsourced medical billing company or in-house billing, getting paid in timely manner takes to one important detail, patient demographics.
- For a patient who visits healthcare professionals office, it is important to update the patient demographics also for the existing patients as it is for the new patients.
- In case if the existing patients information is not collected and his phone number changed, then claim won't result in payments.
- So, it's always vital to update and enter patient demographics details for the existing as well as new patients.
- Generally, the patient won't about their details being stored in the system. So, even if you question them, they answer that nothing has changed for them accordingly.
- Patient demographics details entry will go a long way by ensuring accurate information, which will save the claims from denials and rejections.
Outsourcing non-core activities to a BPO allows a company to be far more flexible. Firstly, the company does not have to invest in additionally fixed assets and can convert them to variable costs..